Moving Home Checklist
Here at Smooth Move Removals Norwich we understand how exciting and stressful moving home can be, and with lots on your mind and so many things to remember and do, it's easy to miss something out.
So we have compiled a checklist that will hopefully come in handy for you:
4 Weeks to moving day
Arrange and confirm your moving date with Smooth Move Removals Norwich as far in advance as possible
Choose between our Norwich Man With a Van Service or Smooth Move Removals Norwich Service
Complete a change of address form with the Post Office
Notify schools, employers, churches and clubs of your impending move
Decide which items you wish to donate to charity
Make a list of fixtures you plan on leaving at your current property
Notfiy water, gas and electricty companies to have services turned off after you leave
Arrange for utility connections at your new home
3 Weeks to moving day
Collect packing materials from Smooth Move Removals Norwich
Start packing up all non essential items, or talk to us about our packing and packaging service
Sort out garage, shed and garden items
Don't forget about whats up in the loft
Organise suitable transport for pets and plants, or someone to take care of them on the day
Make a list of contact names and telephone numbers you will need in your new home until the internet is connected
Dispose of items you wont need in your new home
Return anything borrowed back to friends and family
Contact carpet cleaners and decorators if required
Notify doctors, dentists and opticians of your impending move
Start to run down the contents of your freezer and kitchen cupboards
Car Boot, Gumtree and Ebay off items you no longer require
Transfer insurance to cover fire, theft and personal propert at your new home
Make a floorplan sketch of your new property to decide the placement of your furnishings
Notification Checklist
A list of people and organisations you may need to contact about your move:
Family & Friends
House Insurance
Car Insurance
Other Insurance
Council Tax
Electricity Provider
Gas Provider
Water Provider
Building Society
Post Office
Telephone Provider
Internet Provider
Mobile Phone Provider
Clubs & Societies
Inland Revenue
Motor Organisation
News Agent/Magazine Subscriptions
Satalite/Cable TV Provider
Window Cleaner
2 Weeks to moving day
Start dismantling self-assembly furniture, unless Smooth Move Removals Norwich have agreed to do this for you
Arrange for professional dissconection of kitchen appliances, including your washing machine, so the drum is secured
Arrange to have water, gas and electricity meters read
Discontinue regular services such as newspapers, window cleaners, gardeners etc.
Drain fuel from garden lawnmowers, strimmers etc. and disconnect gas bottles from barbeques and heaters
Dispose of flamable liquids, hazardous cleaning fluids, bleach and aerosols
Arrange for fitted carpets to be professionally loosened, if you intend to take them with you to your new home
Inform family and friends of your new address
Arrange to have satalite dish moved to your new property
If appropriate, arrange for your children to be looked after on the day you move
Dismantle sheds and green houses unless Smooth Move Removals Norwich have agreed to do this for you
Remove any fixtures and fittings you are taking with you
Fabrics that are being stored will benefit from anti-moth treatment
Start planning the access routes in and out of your new and old properties, for the removers to use, particularly in blocks of flats with lift access, security doors, private car parks etc.
1 Week to moving day
Notify banks and building societies of your impending move
Arrange to disconnect your telephone and internet, and establish a new service for both at your new home
Arrange for rugs and curtains to be cleaned
Find and label all your old keys
Pack boxes and dismantle furniture not being used
Label all your boxes, which room they come from, kitchen, lounge etc.
The day before you move
Have TV aerials and satalite dishes taken down if they are part of your move
Disconnect any light fittings you are taking to your new home
Tighten jars and seal all food packets
Defrost and clean your fridge freezer ready to go
Confirm your cooker, washing machine and dishwasher are disconnected
Take down pictures, mirrors, curtains and blinds
Prepare pets and plants for transit, confirm minders for children
Chests of drawers may be left full depending on the make of the furniture
Seperate "fragile" boxes from your collection and make Smooth Move Removals Norwich aware of them
Have door stops ready to hold open doors and gates
Set aside an area marked "do not move" for handbags, overnight bags, coats, kettle, snacks, medication, tools and cleaning equipment
Arrange seperate transportation for any dangerous substances
On moving day
Relax and let Smooth Move Removals Norwich do all the work
Make sure you have personally taken cash, jewellery and valuables to your new home yourself
Drain plants of excess water
If requested we will take up carpets, dismantle furniture etc. and re-position in your new home
If your items are going into storage, remember to keep important items like passports, driving license etc.
Before the removals van departs, confirm nothing has been left behind in error
Lock all windows and doors, turn off all lights and switches
Ensure that Smooth Move Removals Norwich, or our Norwich Man With A Van Service has the address details and directions to your new home and agree a time of arrival
Arrive at your new home, with the keys prior to your removal team
Label all rooms and direct the removals team to position your furniture and boxes
Put the kettle on!